About this blog


I am John, host of The Ice Cream Snob blog. I am a professional writer who decided he wanted to share his love for quality ice creams, which is why I started this site.

What can you discover here at The Ice Cream Snob blog?

You might learn a few things about a favorite ice cream, possibly information you didn't already know. You can also learn about new and rare ice cream products on the market, and my opinion of them.

Every so often John will post about a new ice cream he has tried and his opinions about it.

But don't let me control the conversation about great ice creams. The Ice Cream Snob is a blog for all lovers of ice cream, and I want to hear about and share your opinions. Please feel free to leave comments on the blog or to contact me if you want to tell me something or even possibly guest post about one of your favorite ice cream treats. I am always grateful to hear from readers and fans.

Hope you enjoy the blog!